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Best Power Pack Sound System that takes you to a different world

Updated: May 7

For watching something you like, the visuals are important, but sound also plays an equally important roles as what you see.

A good sound system can immerse you and your thoughts into the movie your watching as if you're a part of it.

We bring you one of the best sound system ZEBRONICS Zeb-Juke BAR 9500WS PRO

full set
  • It is equipped with DOLBY 5.1 with dual wireless satellites and a powerful subwoofer so you can expect some crisp and clear sound points.

  • It has all the important connection options like, HDMI for TVs, AUX port, Bluetooth connection so you can forget using a wire.

  • LED display on the sound bar makes it easy to know what sound level is it in.

  • It does come with a separate remote control to adjust the different features.

  • They mentioned 7 day service center replacement and 1 year warranty

wall mounted soundbar

Customer's Review (4 out of 5 ) : Honestly speaking, the number of reviews itself speaks about the product (given it is all real people who wrote it). From the comments you can see that people really like the purchase. Like it operates how its supposed too, has the Dolby feature which is the selling point and as it is a Zebronics product, people trust the quality. BUT as with any product and as these many sales have occurred there is bound to some minor instances of product not being up to the expectation. Some mentioned the bass was not as they expected. Some customers even mentioned certain crackling sound were heard..

Final Thoughts : Although there are some instances of dissatisfaction with the product, many customers are happy with their purchase and think it value for money.

Important : The information provided here is only a part of the whole picture, the decision you make should not only be on the basis of this post.

Hope you have found the product you have been looking for.

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